Tuesday, May 15, 2007 - Seattle Doing?
Despite warnings that Seattle would be rainy and cold, we arrived to find it sunny and ... well, cold. But as chilly as the air was, the people were warm and Texas-friendly.

Space Needle

Molly, a high school friend of Ian's, put the band up in her beautiful home not far from the club. Not only did she make us a kick-awesome dinner, but we also got to chill with her 18-month old daughter, Verity, whose favorite all-purpose expression is "Dooooing?" (as in, "Mommy Doing?" and "Patrick, Doing?"). She entertained Patrick for hours (and she was scared of Ian, which is probably wise).

Keytar Forever

Our show at Nectar Lounge was really cool - several fans and friends made it out to the show despite the school night. Molly came, with her husband Jeff (who took some rad photos) and some friends. Texas-transplant friends Emily & Matt came to hang out, as did musician friend Danielle. And Sandi, Susan & Paul got a tie for MVP for making it out to their 3rd show in as many nights (Eric in San Francisco being the only competition). We'll be mailing you all your groupie badges.

Nectar's is a great room, and they've got a hidden panel in the floor of the stage filled with beer. Why doesn't every club have a hidden panel in the floor of the stage filled with beer?

Band 3

(As always, more pics available at our Flickr page.)

We also had the immense pleasure of seeing The Nepotistas, a jazz outfit with pure face-melting chops. Holy crap, you guys rule. Thanks for sharing the bill with us.

Jacques Melts Our Faces

Now we're heading for home. Just 2600 miles in 3 days. I'm sure it's fine.


Spaceship jazz from Texas.

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